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Christmas Blessings: Seven Inspirational Romances of Faith, Hope, and Love Page 12

  “I think you’re going above and beyond by waiting out here for him,” Maggie said with a rueful shake of her head. “You really could wait for him right inside the door where it’s nice and toasty warm.”

  Alec quirked his mouth. “Truthfully, I was hoping to run into you while I was waiting for him.”

  “Really?” A feeling of surprise crashed over her, quickly followed by a euphoric sensation roaring through her veins. Alec Donahue had been hoping to see her!

  “Let’s head inside,” she suggested with a nod of her head. “I’m still getting used to this New England weather. Winters in Ireland don’t get quite this frigid.”

  Alec opened the hospital door and held it open for her as she bustled through the doorway. Once they were inside she turned toward him.

  “So why were you hoping to see me?” she asked, filled with curiosity about Alec’s comment about hoping to see her this morning at the hospital.

  Alec looked down at her, an easy grin breaking out across his face. A little tic jumped around at his jawline. Once again she took a moment to admire his strength and masculine beauty.

  “I want to take you out on a date,” he explained.

  “Oh,” she said, fumbling for something to say. He’d caught her a bit off guard.

  “How did you know what time I’d be here?” she asked, feeling a little bit incredulous. The last thing she’d expected to encounter this morning at Breeze Point Hospital was Alec Donahue.

  “I might have asked one of your co-workers last night,” Alec said with a wink. “I hope that doesn’t come across as creepy.”

  Maggie covered her mouth as she let out a hoot of laughter. Alec Donahue was many things. Gorgeous. Funny. Patriotic. He didn’t strike her as creepy in the slightest bit.

  “A date?” she asked, wrinkling her nose.

  “Yes, a date.”

  “With you?” She was stalling a lit bit, still feeling flustered at the invitation.

  Alec frowned. “Yes, with me. Unless of course that’s a problem.”

  Maggie bit her lip. She cocked her head to the side and studied him.

  “Is it a problem?” Alec pressed.

  “No, it’s just that—”

  “What? Don’t worry about hurting my feelings. Lay it on me.”

  “I’ve never been on a date before,” she blurted out. There. She’d told him.

  Alec’s eyes widened. “No, that can’t be true.”

  She held up her hands. “Let me explain. I’ve been out on dates, like bowling or to a party where a bunch of friends were hanging out. But not like this. Not just one on one, something where it would just be the two of us.” She fumbled with the words, not sure how she could make him understand. Back in County Cork there had been lots of group dates. Friends who’d all grown up together and who paired up for semi-formal dances and carnivals. Crushes. School friends. They’d all grown up in each other’s pockets so going out on group dates didn’t carry the same weight as a one on one situation. And after losing her parents there hadn’t been much frivolity in her life. Dating had gone by the wayside.

  “So no one has taken you out on the town here in Breeze Point?” Alec asked.

  She shook her head. “Not a single one. I’ve been asked out quite a bit, but I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m not going to date someone unless I feel a connection.”

  “Sounds like you’re looking for something serious.” Alec frowned, creating tiny creases around his eyes. It made him look even more adorable. “I’m only home for three more weeks. I’m not in a position to be in a relationship.”

  She raised her eyebrow at him. “Wait a minute, hot shot. I wasn’t suggesting we pledge our undying love to one another.” She let out a giggle. “I just meant that there has to be a feeling. Life’s too short to waste time making small talk with someone with whom you have no connection.”

  Alec met her gaze head on. Intensity blazed from his blue eyes. “So, are you feeling that connection with me?”

  “Fishing for compliments, are we Donahue?” Maggie placed her hands on her hips.

  Alec bowed his head and let out a chuckle. “Only a little bit. I admit it. I’m curious to know if you like me. More than a friend.”

  Her face heated. She raised a hand to her cheek, overcome by a feeling of self-consciousness. Suddenly the hallway felt very warm. Alec was putting her on the spot and she was feeling tongue-tied. “You really like to lay things on the line, don’t you?”

  He shrugged. “If you don’t feel a connection, there’s no sense in wasting our time. Being in the Army has taught me that tomorrow isn’t promised.”

  She looked away from Alec’s intense stare, focusing her gaze on the floor. Wasting time? No, she wasn’t doing that. Alec was on leave for a short period of time. There wasn’t a second to spare if they wanted to hang out and get to know each other better. That was the reality of the situation. A few more weeks and he’d be on the other side of the world, far away from Breeze Point. Under the circumstances, she’d never play games with him.

  “I like you, Alec Donahue. More than a friend.” She lifted her chin bravely, meeting his gaze without flinching. Even though it felt slightly awkward to say it, she knew not saying it might haunt her for a long time to come.

  Upon hearing her words, a huge grin crept over Alec’s face. He looked like the cat who had swallowed the canary.

  She gently pushed at his chest. “Now don’t get a bid head or anything.” He clasped one of her hands in his and pulled her close toward him.

  “I like you too, Miss Maggie Kilcannon. I like you very much.”

  “No one’s ever said that to me before, Alec.” She bowed her head, fighting against a rising tide of emotion. Blast these tears forming in her eyes! Stop being so emotional. But she couldn’t help it. Alec was tapping into some of her deepest sentiments. For so long she’d had a wall up, and now, he was knocking down her defenses. It was a little bit overwhelming for someone like herself. Someone who’d kept her heart off limits for such a long time.

  Lord, give me the courage to open myself up to this man. From the first moment we met he stirred something inside of me. Something I wasn’t sure I was capable of feeling. So I pushed against it. It’s not a comfortable feeling for me, but something about this man makes me feel joyful and exuberant. Alive.

  A blast of wintry air came whooshing toward them as the door opened and a tall, distinguished looking man came inside from the cold. He had a thin face and a bushy head of dark hair. He wore small, round-shaped glasses. His face lit up into a smile. “Alec. There you are. Thanks for being here so early, son.”

  “Hey, Dad.” He glanced over at Maggie. “This is my friend, Maggie Kilcannon. She’s Gene’s niece. Maggie, this is my father, Theodore Donahue.”

  Theodore gifted her with a beautiful smile, one that reminded her of his son. Although the two men didn’t bear a physical resemblance, they shared the same endearing smile. He reached for her hand and squeezed it tightly. “Nice to finally meet you, Maggie. Your uncle talks about you all the time. He’s my go-to guy for lobsters and crab. Best fisherman in Breeze Point.” He put his fingers to his lips. “Just don’t tell any of the other fishermen I said so.”

  “I won’t,” Maggie promised, knowing how competitive fishermen were in this coastal area. “It’s very nice to meet you as well. Good luck with your appointment.”

  A hint of sadness flashed in Theodore’s eyes. “Thanks, Maggie. We’ve been praying for a good report. We better head down there.”

  A glance at Alec confirmed what she was sensing. He was worried. His father’s medical appointment wasn’t just a yearly check-up. Something more was going on. It wasn’t any of her business, but she’d been around enough patients who were dealing with serious medical issues to recognize the subtleties. Theodore Donahue was now on her prayer list.

  “I’m headed in the same direction,” Maggie said, walking in lock step with Alec as his father ambled a few paces ahead of them. Sud
denly, Alec stopped in his tracks. He turned toward her.

  “About what I asked you,” he began, his eyes locking with her own and radiating a silent plea.

  “Yes. I’d love to go out with you,” Maggie said, allowing the words to burst forth from her like a sudden rainstorm. She wasn’t sure why, but at the moment she felt much bolder than a few minutes ago. Realizing that his family was going through a medical crisis made Alec seem way more approachable. He wasn’t just some gorgeous soldier visiting town for a few weeks. He was a hometown fixture, one who loved his father enough to sit through his appointment with him and lend a son’s support. And she felt certain this holiday season meant more to Alec and his family than mere words could express. More and more she was beginning to see that Alec Donahue was an incredibly good man.

  Alec’s sweet smile made her stomach do flip flops.

  “Great. How about tomorrow at six. I’ll pick you up at your uncle’s place,” Alec suggested.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Motioning down the hall, she added, “My office is this way. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  “Dress casual. And for warmth. Boots, hat, scarf, mittens. The whole shebang.” With a wave of his hand, Alec headed off towards the elevator to join his father. She watched as Alec held the elevator door open for his father and ushered him inside. It was a small gesture, but it was filled with such meaning. It spoke of his gentle spirit and his love for his father. In that instant, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that Alec Donahue was the type of man a woman could easily fall for.

  Although she felt incredibly blessed to get to know this wonderful, caring man on a more personal level, she knew she would have to be on guard. Alec was a man who put himself in harm’s way as a soldier. It was a terrifying reality. She’d lost enough loved ones for a lifetime. Falling in love with Alec wasn’t an option.

  “First dates can be awkward, nerve racking

  and completely, utterly disastrous.

  They can also be sheer heaven.”

  Theodore Donahue

  Chapter Five

  Later that afternoon, Alec was sitting at the kitchen table with his family, enjoying their company and his mother’s mouth-watering, New England clam chowder recipe. With his mother insisting on a family lunch, there really hadn’t been any choice in the matter. With Dad’s test results not due for a week, everyone was almost pretending as if life was normal. In actuality, they were all bracing for another cancer recurrence while trying to stay upbeat for the holidays. With Alec being on military leave and his brothers on break from college, it was a blessing that the Donahue clan could be together over the holidays.

  Donahue strong! It was an expression his father always used to encourage his family to hang tough and not give in to doubts and fear. For the moment, they were all hanging on and trying to be brave. It was a lot more difficult than it sounded.

  “Who are you going out with tomorrow? I heard you have a date.” His younger brother, Jude, tossed the question out as he shoved a fistful of chips in his mouth.

  “So, where are you going tonight?” Matthew threw out the question before he’d even gotten a chance to answer Jude.

  Alec hated being peppered with questions, especially by his three brothers. They were always sticking their nose in his business. It didn’t help that they were triplets. Three times as annoying. Three times as loud. Three times as difficult to block out when they bombarded him with their questions.

  “Manners, boys. No talking with your mouths full,” their mother barked. “You weren’t raised in a barn, Jude.”

  Tim swallowed and placed his sandwich down on his plate. “So, don’t keep us in suspense. Who is she?”

  “Her name is Maggie. You don’t know her,” Alec said brusquely. He knew his brothers too well to run the risk of giving them too much information. If he did, word would be all over town by nightfall. Something like that might scare Maggie off in a big way.

  “How do you know? We might know her,” Jude said in a taunting tone.

  Alec shook his head. Some things never changed. His brothers were all in his business. “Nope. No chance. You don’t,” he said with a shake of his head.

  “Hey!” Matthew cried out. “Is she the pretty Maggie from the hospital? The one with the reddish-brown hair?”

  Alec let out a hiss of air. He shouldn’t have even uttered her name.

  Jude snapped his fingers. “Ah. I do believe you’ve hit the nail on the head, Matthew.”

  “Seriously?” Tim grumbled. “I had a big crush on her last summer when I volunteered at the hospital. I almost asked her out myself.”

  Alec slammed his spoon down on the kitchen table. He let out a snort for dramatic effect. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  Tim’s eyes widened and he affected an angelic expression. “What? Older women find me attractive.”

  Dottie began to chuckle. She tried to hide it behind her hand. Theodore looked over at his wife and joined in. His shoulders began to vibrate with laughter. Before long the triplets were joining in until everyone had just dissolved into merriment. Alec looked around at his family and shook his head. Had they always been this silly?

  “Laugh with us,” his father urged. “You know you want to.”

  Alec couldn’t keep a straight face. He loved this family more than words could express. Even when the triplets got on his nerves he usually ended up laughing at their corny jokes. And there was nothing like the Donahue brood, even when they were getting on his nerves or sticking their collective noses into his business. Being back in the fold was a little slice of heaven.

  A glance around the kitchen table reinforced the fact that he was incredibly blessed. There was nothing that centered a person more than being in the presence of love.

  By the time the following evening rolled around, Alec was on pins and needles. Adrenaline was coursing through his veins at the prospect of going out on a date with Maggie. He looked down at his arms. They prickled with awareness. Was he having first date jitters? He wasn’t sure he liked this feeling. His nerves were on edge, which was unusual for someone like himself who knew how to be cool, calm and collected. Although he was excited about spending some quality time with Maggie, he didn’t like the powerful effect she seemed to have on him.

  If he was being honest with himself, he’d been thinking about her non-stop ever since he met her. And he felt himself being pulled in her direction as if she were a magnetic force. Perhaps it was simply attraction. After all, Maggie was a stunner.

  You can handle this! He told himself. After all, he didn’t understand why he was getting so rattled. It was just one date, not a lifetime. With everything going on his world right now, Alec couldn’t even contemplate being seriously committed to another human being. It was a nice dream, but miles and miles away from his reality.


  Casual. Alec had told her to dress casually and warmly. By the time six o’clock rolled around, she’d dressed in a pair of tan corduroy pants and a pretty oatmeal colored sweater. Her hair was hanging loosely around her face and she’d applied a smidgeon of eye shadow and a cherry colored lip gloss. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation. And a small measure of fear.

  Buck up, Maggie. You’re no shy wallflower. You’re confident and outspoken. Be yourself and just enjoy the chance to spend the evening with someone intriguing. It doesn’t have to mean anything. No pressure. Get out of your comfort zone!

  Thankfully, her aunt and uncle had plans this evening, so there would be no awkward meet and greet when Alec arrived. She let out a shallow breath. This was all new to her. A man coming to the house to pick her up for a date wasn’t something she’d experienced before. As a result, she was feeling jittery and a little out of sorts. Anticipation had been building up inside her ever since Alec asked her out. Actually caring about a guy was a brand-new feeling. It felt exhilarating. She was soaring.

  The sound of the doorbell ringing caused her heart to beat a crazy rhythm in her chest. When she made her way
downstairs and opened the front door, Alec was standing there with an assortment of colored roses in his hands. There was a multitude of colors—peach, yellow, white, pink, red.

  “Come on in,” she said with a wave of her hand, stepping aside so he could cross the threshold of her home. For months after her arrival in America she’d thought of the white colonial as her aunt and uncle’s home until they’d called her on it, telling her that it was her home also. After feeling as if she didn’t have a home for so many years, their words had meant the world to her. Despite her tragic past, Maggie knew she was blessed.

  Once Alec stepped inside he held out the vibrant bouquet. “Since I didn’t know what color roses you like, I thought I’d bring you an assortment of colors.”

  “They’re beautiful,” Maggie said, reaching for the roses and lifting them toward her nose so she could sniff them. She let out a sigh as their delicate scent assailed her senses. “Let me go stick them in a vase and get my coat. Make yourself comfortable.”

  Within a few minutes they were seated in Alec’s car and headed toward one of her favorite restaurants, The Lobster Boat. It served the best seafood in Cape Cod and the owners were one of her uncle’s top clients. Conversation flowed easily over dinner, although neither one of them could ignore the curious stares in their direction. Due to the small size of Breeze Point, everyone pretty much knew everyone. Maggie had no doubt that her date with Alec would be the subject of town gossip for days to come. She let out a sigh and tried not to dwell on it.

  Alec leaned in toward her across the table. “We seem to be giving the townsfolk something to talk about.”

  Maggie looked around and shook her head. “It seems as if we’re the feature attraction. They’re not even being subtle about it.”

  “Why don’t we give them something to talk about,” Alec said in a low voice.

  Maggie raised her eyebrow. What was Alec talking about? “I’m not sure I like the sound of that,” Maggie said