An Autumn Stroll: An Inspirational Romance Page 6
He swallowed the emotions balling in his throat. How easily that could have been Jenna. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s been ten years, but I’ll never forget when my parents sat me down to tell me the day after it happened.” More tears spilled over. “It’s all so senseless and preventable. That boy didn’t deserve to die because of Jessica’s terrible decision. And we could have died tonight because someone couldn’t take their eyes off their phone to pay attention to the road.”
All too well, he understood. He slid across the sofa and enveloped her in an embrace, letting her cry out the feelings bottled inside.
This feels right. Was it wrong to experience pleasure in holding her while she cried?
He hadn’t realized she’d stopped and had grabbed a tissue off the end table without moving out of his embrace. She dried her tears and peered at him with red-rimmed eyes. Despite her tearstained face, he found her beautiful. The tears showed her compassionate soul.
Locked in a gaze he couldn’t escape, he traced the trail of tears on her cheek. “Better?”
The mood shifted from comforting to more. He no longer held her because she needed his soothing embrace. His arms stayed wrapped around her because it’s what they both wanted—to share a moment of closeness.
He pulled her closer, guided her mouth to his. Lowered his lips until they touched hers. The kiss was everything he hadn’t allowed himself to imagine. He deepened the kiss until a high-pitched squeal broke into their romantic interlude.
Paige jumped up, laughed nervously. “The tea kettle.”
He wasn’t too fond of the kettle right now, though he acknowledged it’s impeccable timing of protecting boundaries.
They drank their tea at the table, on separate sides, a little space needed. Even after adding honey and sugar, he wasn’t a fan of the tea. Not wanting to be rude, he stomached the entire cup.
Twenty minutes later, their conversation had turned to laughter. Paige smiled again, and the sorrow inflicted by the near accident had faded. He wished he didn’t have to leave, but the hour was late, and now that she was fine, there was no reason to remain past a decent time.
He lingered at the door to say his goodbyes, kept one hand on her arm. “What are your Thanksgiving plans?”
“My family always has a big mid-day dinner. All the local family, including aunts, uncles, and cousins come over.” Her eyes met his. “You and Myla should come. There’s always plenty.”
Selfish disappointment weighed on him. “We’re taking Myla to see her mom. It’s the first time they’ll see each other since Jenna was admitted.”
A soft smile stretched over her mouth. “That’s wonderful. I’ll pray they have a great visit.”
“Thanks.” An idea formed. “We’ll be home around six. Would you like to come over and share our dinner? It won't be homemade—Mom ordered it from a local restaurant for the first time ever, but with the drive to see Jenna, there won’t be time for her to make a full meal.”
“I’d love to. That’s usually the time the non-immediate family heads out so I wouldn’t feel bad leaving.”
“Great.” He dusted a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Goodnight.”
Chapter Nine
Holding a pie in one hand, Paige rang the doorbell to Wes’s parents’ house. Thankfully, she’d met his parents last week—though she’d unofficially met his mom at the farm—so she didn’t have those nerves to contend with. His mom had put her immediately at ease with her kindness, and his dad reminded her of Abe Lincoln with a Santa Claus personality.
Wes opened the door, dressed in a pair of casual slacks and a navy sweater. He stepped on the porch and closed the door behind him, giving them a few minutes of privacy. “I’m glad you could come.”
“Me too.” She handed him the pie. “I brought this. Mom insisted.”
“Perfect since Dad dropped our pie while bringing it in.”
Her eyes widened. “He didn’t!”
“Unfortunately, yes.” He chuckled. “Good thing you weren’t here ten minutes ago, or you would have witnessed my parents in a rare fight.” His eyes twinkled. “And by fight, I mean, Mom chiding Dad for trying to bring in everything on one trip instead of making multiple ones.”
“I can sympathize. I prefer getting it all in at once.”
Holding the pie to his side, he leaned forward and surprised her with a kiss. After he broke contact, he backed away and winked. “Sorry, but not really. I’ve been thinking about that all day.”
Giddy butterflies fluttered in her stomach. “You can do that anytime, no apology needed.”
“I like the sound of that.”
Feeling the heat of a blush creep up her neck to her cheeks, she smiled bashfully. “How did the visit go?”
“Really well until the end.”
“What happened?”
“Myla didn’t want to leave.” The corners of his mouth turned down. “She cried herself to sleep on the way home.”
Paige’s heart ripped in two for Wes’s sweet niece. “I can’t imagine how hard it is for her.”
“Me either, but when she woke up, she seemed better. We took lots of pictures of the two of them together and seeing them makes her smile.”
“How’s Jenna?”
“Like a whole new person.” His frown turned around. “I know there’s still a long road ahead, but she’s trying hard to turn her life around. In a few months, she’ll get to start vocational training so she can find a career job once she finishes the program.”
“Sounds like a tremendous facility.”
“It is. They don’t only treat the addiction, but the whole person. Jenna even shared with us about a devotion she’d read that morning.” Excitement quickened his pace of speech. “For years, she’s refused to have anything to do with God, and now she’s proactively sharing what she’s learning about him.”
“That’s a miracle from Him.” Though she ached for the pain Myla experienced, she found joy in hearing about Jenna’s recovery. She said a short, silent prayer that they’d all have a happy ending.
The door opened, and Mrs. Caldwell stuck out her head. “Happy Thanksgiving, Paige.”
“Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.”
“Dinner is on the table whenever you two are ready. Better hurry before Dad eats all the turkey. I’ve already caught him sneaking two pieces.” Mrs. Caldwell flashed a grin before returning inside.
Wes grabbed her hand. “That’s our cue.”
They went inside and founds seats at the table after Wes added the pie to the counter. Mr. Caldwell sat on the far end, Myla and Mrs. Caldwell on one side, then she and Wes on the other. Each plate had a rust-colored cloth napkin wrapped with an acorn napkin ring made from rhinestones. A table runner matching the napkins had been placed down the center of the oval heirloom table. Wes’s mom must have transferred the food from the takeout containers because each menu item had been placed in white porcelain serving bowls and trays.
Mr. Caldwell led the family in a prayer of Thanksgiving before the meal began. After the prayer, he looked at each of them. “This hasn’t been an easy year, but the Lord’s given us many things to be grateful for, and I just want to take a minute to tell each of you I’m thankful God placed you into my life.” He made eye contact with Paige. “Even though we’ve only recently met you, you’re included. You’ve been a bright spot in my son’s life during a difficult time, and that means a lot.”
Her heart filled with love for this family, and she choked out a similar sentiment to express her gratefulness for welcoming her with open arms.
“Now, it’s time to enjoy this meal so lovingly prepared by Down Home Café.” Mr. Caldwell lifted the turkey platter and served his wife.
Mrs. Caldwell took the platter from him and served Myla who then tried to serve Wes. It took her a minute to figure out if she walked to the other side of the table, she could set it next to him, then place some onto his place. Wes then ser
ved Paige, and having caught on, she served Mr. Caldwell.
They did the same with each dish, and Paige loved it. “Do you do this for every meal or only special occasions?”
“Only on our big holiday meals, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.” Mrs. Caldwell smiled at her husband, her affection for him on display. “It’s a reminder we’re all together in this life and help each other when needed.”
“It’s a lovely tradition.”
“Thank you.” Mrs. Caldwell spread butter on Myla’s roll. “What traditions does your family have on Thanksgiving?”
“Before we can eat, we have to say what we’re thankful for, and it can’t be anything material like a new car or piece of jewelry.” A fond smile surfaced. “Dad enacted that rule when we were children and would always say our latest toy.”
Conversation quieted as everyone began eating. Paige ate her cornbread stuffing and turkey—two of her favorites—and struggled to eat the rest. She’d overindulged in mashed potatoes with gravy at the meal with her family, and the fullness had lingered. Thankfully Wes had the intuition to give her small portions, and she managed to clean her plate.
She helped clear the table and clean dishes, thankful Mrs. Caldwell allowed her to help.
While at the sink drying dishes, Mrs. Caldwell clarified. “Thanks for cleaning up with me. I’d never expect a guest to, but I know from experience how awkward it is to be a visitor in someone’s home and watch them clean up your mess.”
“Yes, and I’m an odd one, but I like to clean up after meals. It makes me think I’m burning the calories I ate.” She glanced down at her stuffed stomach. “Though in today’s case, I think I’d have to run a marathon.”
“I understand.” Mrs. Caldwell handed her the last plate. “And it helps make room for dessert.”
Wes came into the kitchen. “Did someone say pumpkin pie?”
“How can you even think about food?” His mom swatted him with a dishrag. “Give me an hour at least.”
“In that case, can I steal Paige for a little bit?” He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to him.
“Go ahead. I’m going to make sure your father doesn’t fall asleep in the recliner while Myla’s playing with her kiddie make-up set.”
They all enjoyed a laugh at the images that invoked. Several of Myla’s dolls now had green foreheads and cheeks.
Alone in the room, Wes stared at her. “Would you like to sit on the back porch for a little bit? It shouldn’t be too cold with the heat coming from the house.”
She nodded and accepted his hand. Once outside, they sat on the swing hanging from the rafters. Though it was dark, the porchlight offered sufficient light to see each other.
Lifting her hand, Wes kissed her knuckles. “Thanks for coming tonight. It means a lot to me.”
“I’m glad to be here.” She snuggled in close to him. “Not spending time with you at all today wouldn’t seem right.”
“I know what you mean.” He released her hand to slide an arm around her shoulders. “On the day we celebrate what we’re thankful for, it’s only right to spend time with those we love.”
His words went straight to her heart. Did that mean… She searched his eyes for an answer.
He rubbed circles on her shoulder. “Maybe it’s too soon to say, but we both know how quickly life can change, and if I never got the chance to tell you, I’d always regret it. I love you, and I can’t wait to see what our future holds.”
From the depths of her soul, Paige knew she’d found the man God meant for her and had sent her way on a fated autumn stroll. “I love you, too.”
Eleven Months Later
For the first time anyone could remember, Hopkins’ Farms closed on a Sunday in October. The barn had been cleared for the occasion and decorated for an autumn wedding.
Paige stood at the rear entrance, her arm looped through her dad’s. “It’s everything I ever dreamed.”
Her dad turned to face her with a smile. “The decorations or the man?”
“Both.” Her gaze traveled to the front where Wes stood by the preacher. “But especially the man.”
“He’s a good one. If I have to give you away, I’m glad it’s to him. I couldn’t have picked a better life partner for you.”
The last year had been a whirlwind, and Paige wouldn’t have traded it for anything. Her entire life was in this place, and today she’d start a new one with Wes in their new house, only a mile down the road.
Her two bridesmaids, Missy and Jenna, finished their walk down the aisle and stood across from her brothers who were the groomsmen. The decision to include Wes’s sister had been easy. Paige had met her several times during the final months of her rehab, and they’d become close, especially in the month since Jenna and Myla had moved in with Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell. They’d live there while Jenna worked in her new job as a medical transcriptionist and readjusted to life and sobriety outside of the recovery center.
Myla tugged on her train. “Is it time for me to go yet?”
Her eagerness made Paige laugh. “Yes, sweetheart. It’s your turn.”
“And after this, I can call you Aunt Paige?”
“Yes, you can.” Paige smiled and gave Myla a nudge in the right direction.
In her abundance of enthusiasm, Myla ran out of flower petals to throw halfway down the aisle. Once she didn’t have any more to toss, she broke rank and ran to stand next to Missy and Jenna, causing a round of giggles among the guests.
“You’re next.” Dad brought her arm closer to him. “Are you ready?”
Her chin trembled with emotion. “Yes.”
They walked slowly down the aisle. Paige had carefully planned the ceremony, but she didn’t notice anything except Wes standing up front. Had anyone told her that late September day that the man who’d knocked into her would one day be her husband, she’d have laughed in their face.
How grateful she was for grace, love, and second chances.
Dad placed her hand in Wes’s then stepped back.
This was it.
She locked eyes with Wes. “I love you.”
He squeezed her hand. “Love you, more.”
Adoration shone in his eyes, and she knew with him at her side, she’d never know a day without love.
“And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.” Ephesians 4:32
Letter from the Author
Dear Readers,
Many of you know how much I love fall, yet until now, I’ve never written an autumn-themed story. Writing it was everything I imagined it would be. For weeks, I was able to ignore the ninety-degree temperatures outside with one hundred percent humidity and escape into a world of pumpkins, cider, hayrides and everything fall-related. I pray you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
I’ll admit, I’ve had my moments I’m not proud of where I’ve judged someone too harshly by a first impression, or spoken before I thought. In the last five years, God’s really spoken to me about changing my attitude and spreading his love and joy even when I, in my flawed humanness, deem it unfitting of whatever situation. I can tell you from personal experience how much it will change your life when you shift your attitude and perspective and focus your actions on Him.
May you bless and be blessed by those around you and share encouragement to all you meet.
Until next time,
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About the Author
USA Today Bestselling Author Leah Atwood is a small-town girl at heart and currently lives in a rural town in the deep South, though Maryland will always be home. She graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in International Business but gave up a career in sales and marketing to follow love, a decision she's never regretted.
From the
old west to Cajun country, Leah infuses true-to-life characters with small-town charm to invite her readers into a world where faith and love will always prevail. In both her historical and contemporary works, she believes in delivering inspirational stories that will leave her readers with a smile.
When not writing, she's busy raising two kids and corralling two dogs (an eighty-four-pound, three-legged, cancer-surviving, shepherd/lab mix and an eleven-pound rat terrier/jack russell mix), or participating in a myriad of community and church events
Other Available Titles
Contemporary Romances
Come to Me Series
Come to Me Alive
Come to Me Free
Come to Me Again
Come to Me Joyful (Bonus Novella)
Modern Conveniences Series
Love In a Fix
Calling Love
Lost in Love
Waiting on Love (Bonus Novella)
Always Faithful Series
That Was Then
This Is Now
When It’s Forever
Jasper Lake Series
Not This Time
Treasure Harbor
Complete Collection
Road to Love
Complete Collection
Table For One (Novella)
A Summer Homecoming (Novella)
An Autumn Homecoming (Novella)
Candy Cane Wishes
Historical Romances
Brides of Weatherton Novellas
After the Rain
Fire and Ice
Winds of Change
Dancing on Dew
Texas Wildflowers Novelette Series
Free to Love
Free to Heal
Free to Protect
Free to Serve
Free to Roam